Career Advice:

Planning Out the Business Exit Strategy

So your client has taken on a new venture, which they expected to be something great and worthwhile. Instead, they wound up being not so happy and content in their newfound position. Sometimes things just do not turn out how we expect them to. Now they want out. What do you do from here?

First of all, if it is just a new responsibility or position within their company that they no longer want yet want to remain part of the company, your client needs to make sure they will still have a position to revert to when they announce they want to exit from their new role. All that is left now is to plan your client's exit in a manner that has both the firm's and their own best interests in mind.

Your client's first step in planning their exit should be to make a list of all the people from their peer level and above who will be affected by their exit. Keep in mind how their leaving will affect all these people and the company and how they can best turn this into a positive transition. The first person your client actually wants to voice their decision to should be the person of the highest title who appears on their list of affected persons. Communicate to that person their desire to leave their responsibility or position behind and their reasoning behind it. Make sure your client does not come across, as no longer wanting the responsibilities because they are lazy and the job requires them to work too hard or they may not retain a position within the company at all. You client should express that they would prefer to extend their skills elsewhere where they could make a greater impact on work performance, etc. Stand firm now, because there is a great possibility that the corporate boss might try to get your client to change their mind about things. Listen to what he or she has to say, but your client should not let the boss feelings intimidate him/her into doing something that they do not want to do.

Next your client will need to plan how they will present their decision to their managers and colleagues. To make it official, your client should present a letter to them that is addressed to the supervisor to whom they are currently reporting and copy other managers and colleagues. Explain in the letter what it is they will no longer be doing as well as the reasons they have for no longer taking care of their former responsibilities. If they are not leaving the company, do not use the word resign! Try using keywords such as "refocus" instead to give their letter a positive edge instead of a negative one.

Following these helpful hints should make stepping down from one responsibility in a company a much easier and more professional transition. Your client's focus should be on the positive aspects of your stepping away from one position or responsibility. By doing so they will still retain professional demure and reputation while moving onto another type of role within their same company.