
Customizing Your Business Cards

Business cards are a reminder of your and your company long after you have met someone. The personal impression you left may not be retained in the person’s mind but if the card reflects what you talked about or what kind of business you were in, then making the call to speak to you is a lot easier for that person. You wouldn’t feel comfortable calling an accountant who has monkeys running around on his business card would you?

A few things to keep in mind when ordering business cards:

  • Have your name and title, company’s name and address, your phone number and fax number, and email address if you have it. Your cell phone should also be included but only if you use it mainly for business purposes.
  • These days, most companies have web sites. Include your URL if you have one. It makes it very easy for a person to access information about your company at whatever time of the day they choose to do so.
  • Only include a graphic or color on your business card if it’s necessary or relevant to your business or trade. As I mentioned above, wrong use of graphics and color can have negative and damaging effect on your business.
  • Only include your photo on the card if you are in sales or real estate.